Site Survey ideas for WCDMA

Site surveys allow us to measure the level of coverage that the macro network provides the building, check out the details and understand the environment and existing objects in the…

WCDMA Antenna System Design in Detail

During detailed design, the main task is to determine the exact type and placement of the Antenna, to ensure sufficient coverage to meet the requirements. During this process, the physical…

WCDMA Indoor antenna Solution

Indoor solutions required? First, to analyze whether the macro cell coverage is enough. Even if the macro analysis of the project and the macro network test-drive network has sufficient coverage,…

Initial Design of WCDMA Network

After you have defined the requirements for coverage and capacity, the first step in the planning of the internal network is to make an initial assessment of which roofing solution…

Understanding on Motley–Keenan Model for WCDMA

Understanding on Motley–Keenan Model for WCDMA Site-specific models of indoor propagation, as the name implies, take the specific characteristics of a particular building as their input. Often these models count…

Indoor Link Budget for 3G

The table shows representative Link Downlink budget for 3G. Fluctuations in the signal can be represented by a scale and small effects such models are typically used for external circulation….

Active Distributed Antenna Systems inside 3G

A DAS contains the same active components present in a DAS passive, with the addition of active devices such as amplifiers, repeaters or amplifiers bidirectional (BDAS) to amplify and /…