Indoor deployment and optimization of the system after deployment

Indoor deployment and optimization of the system after deployment

After completion of the design, installation takes place. For aesthetic reasons, the components of a closed system is often deliberately hidden. As a result, after installation, it is difficult to confirm or check them in full. Skill during installation, therefore, very important, because troubleshooting defective components is difficult.

A 3G World

Perform a complete examination and sample testing to ensure the design meets all the requirements of the coating. Use of RF scanners and test mobile phones for the collection of measurement points for further analysis. In addition to any parameters discussed at the macro level, pay special attention to the following areas:

CPICH performance (Ec/No and RSCP). As in open systems, use the CPICH RSCP estimate the loss on the road, because the CPICH transmitted at constant power (no power control). From the path loss, in particular the minimum measured path loss, the loss of the antenna can be evaluated and compared to the intended values​​. Ec / No, together with the RSCP and RSSI, may be used to estimate the geometry. By itself, as in any system WCDMA, RSSI has limited application, as the quality (Ec / No) of the received signal is more important than strength.

UE transmit power. Make sure that the dynamic range of the UE is not exceeded. In particular, focus on lower transmission power (lower than -50 dBm), because this is usually the transmit power limit UE. If the transmission power of user equipment is often at or below the lower limit may result in inefficient power management, namely, the power control should keep the transmit power within the dynamic range. When the power control drives outside the dynamic range of the UE, UE interference becomes Uplink.

Uplink interference (SIB 7). As a complement of UE transmission power, this value would indicate that UES not properly controlled power and thus form the uplink interference. Uplink interference can also be caused by the indoor system, inter-modulation components produced by poorly functioning systems of neutral host, or simply different diversion system (similar to the adjacent channel).

Indoor systems have less flexibility than setting up a macro cell, because most of the equipment can not be moved or reoriented. Nevertheless, internal systems often have the advantage of completely isolated compared with the macro cell. As a result, they have fewer restrictions and less complex interactions that accompany macro camera settings, wherein the change in one cell affect many surrounding cells. Changes to the internal system include adding / changing attenuators, couplers, splitters, and antennas. Major changes in the antenna are not common because it requires negotiations with several interested parties.

In some rare cases, the modulation between the different systems share the same DAS may arise that require the installation of additional limited bandwidth filters and equipment changes. This can be serious and should be expected before deployment. This can be very tricky to resolve such problems in a living system.