What is Margin of Interference in LTE?

Margin sites intrusive noise levels due to an increase can be considered as If sites were spaced closer together than position using the same frequency The thermal noise floor. In other words, the system is interference limited as Opposed to limit noise.
Often a site link budget maximum range is used to evaluate the process. The signal to noise ratio of the maximum coverage often limited range of parameters is a reflection of where the noise is limited design That. The cell radius is from the praise which is the case with an RF link budget analysis Noise limited design. If, however, for design, for an interference limited system The capacity, UL to provide a small cell radius, for example, there are many sites Signal to Interference Noise levels rise above the noise level and therefore can be Will be higher. Design intervention is limited, it is recommended to use
Uplink noise rise as an estimated 3 to 6 DB.
In addition to the Monte Carlo simulation to run or field data, easily uplink interference level relative to the noise level assessment is no way that is. UL interference depends on user locations and only a static analysis of a Monte Carlo analysis is no customer locations, because it is. As such, static discharge uplink (face, coverage, data, etc.) only needs to be viewed as estimates. To obtain more accurate results, Monte Carlo simulation is needed. Operational system, the amount of interference generated by the system can be quantified data. Interference margin is dependent on the selected frequency reuse pattern, The amount of users and user roles.

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