What does AAS stand for antenna system?

AAS stands for “Active Antenna System” in the context of telecommunications and wireless communication. An Active Antenna System is a type of antenna system that incorporates active electronic components, such as amplifiers and signal processing units, directly into the antenna structure. This integration of active components enables improved performance, flexibility, and efficiency in wireless communication networks.

Key characteristics and advantages of Active Antenna Systems (AAS) include:

  1. Beamforming: AAS often supports beamforming techniques, allowing for the shaping of antenna patterns to focus signals in specific directions. This enhances the efficiency and reliability of communication links.
  2. Massive MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output): AAS is a key technology in implementing Massive MIMO, where a large number of antennas are used to serve multiple users simultaneously. This results in increased spectral efficiency and enhanced capacity.
  3. Remote Radio Head (RRH): In AAS, the active components, such as amplifiers and signal processing units, are often located close to the antenna elements. This configuration, known as a Remote Radio Head (RRH), reduces transmission losses and enables more efficient signal processing.
  4. Adaptive Signal Processing: AAS can adaptively adjust the antenna characteristics based on changing network conditions. This adaptability improves the system’s ability to handle variations in user locations, signal strengths, and interference levels.
  5. Reduced Coaxial Cable Losses: By integrating active components at the antenna site, AAS minimizes the length of coaxial cables used to connect antennas to baseband units. This reduction in cable length helps mitigate signal losses.
  6. Energy Efficiency: AAS architectures can contribute to energy efficiency in mobile networks by optimizing the use of resources and reducing power consumption in the radio access network.

Active Antenna Systems are a significant advancement in the evolution of wireless communication infrastructure, contributing to the development of 5G and beyond. They play a crucial role in addressing the challenges associated with increasing data demands, improving network performance, and supporting emerging technologies and services.

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