Why is RSRQ important?

RSRQ, or Reference Signal Received Quality, is an essential parameter in LTE (Long-Term Evolution) networks, playing a crucial role in evaluating the quality of the received signals. RSRQ is particularly important for optimizing network performance, ensuring reliable communication, and maintaining a high-quality user experience. Let’s explore in detail why RSRQ is important in LTE networks:

1. Quality Assessment of Received Signals:

Measurement of Signal Quality:

  • RSRQ provides a quantitative measurement of the quality of the received signals in LTE networks. It takes into account both the reference signals (RS) and the interference level, offering a comprehensive indication of the overall signal quality.

Complementary to RSRP:

  • RSRQ complements another crucial parameter, RSRP (Reference Signal Received Power), which measures the power level of the received signals. While RSRP focuses on signal strength, RSRQ adds the dimension of signal quality, providing a more comprehensive evaluation.

2. Influence on Handover Decisions:

Handover Optimization:

  • LTE networks often involve mobility scenarios where mobile devices move across different cells or sectors. RSRQ is crucial in handover decision-making, as it helps determine the suitability of a target cell for handover based on both signal strength and interference levels.

Preventing Unnecessary Handovers:

  • By considering both RSRP and RSRQ, LTE networks can make more informed handover decisions. This prevents unnecessary handovers to cells with weaker but less interfered signals, contributing to an optimized handover process.

3. Impact on Cell Selection and Re-selection:

Cell Selection Criteria:

  • During initial connection or when reselecting a cell, RSRQ is used as one of the criteria to evaluate the suitability of available cells. This ensures that the selected cell provides a balance between signal strength and interference, contributing to an efficient network connection.

Enhanced User Experience:

  • RSRQ’s role in cell selection and re-selection contributes to a more stable and reliable connection for users. It helps prevent scenarios where a device might connect to a cell with a strong signal but high interference, leading to a suboptimal user experience.

4. Interference Mitigation:

Evaluation of Interference Levels:

  • RSRQ considers the interference level in addition to the signal quality, providing insights into the overall radio environment. This information is crucial for network optimization and interference mitigation strategies.

Efficient Spectrum Utilization:

  • By assessing interference levels, RSRQ assists in optimizing spectrum utilization. It helps identify cells or sectors with lower interference, promoting efficient use of the available radio resources.

5. QoS (Quality of Service) Management:

QoS Parameters:

  • RSRQ contributes to QoS management by influencing decisions related to handovers, cell selection, and re-selection. This ensures that users experience reliable and high-quality connections, meeting the QoS requirements for various services, including voice, video, and data.

Enhanced Network Performance:

  • The effective management of RSRQ parameters results in enhanced network performance, minimizing disruptions, dropped calls, and degraded service quality. This is particularly important for maintaining a positive user perception of the network’s reliability.

6. Optimization of Network Resources:

Efficient Allocation of Resources:

  • RSRQ plays a role in the efficient allocation of network resources. By guiding handover decisions and cell selection, RSRQ contributes to the overall optimization of radio resources, ensuring a balanced and effective use of the available spectrum.

Load Balancing:

  • In scenarios with multiple cells serving a particular area, RSRQ assists in load balancing by directing devices to cells with optimal signal quality and minimal interference. This prevents network congestion in specific cells, contributing to a more evenly distributed traffic load.


In conclusion, RSRQ is a critical parameter in LTE networks, influencing decisions related to handovers, cell selection, and re-selection. Its importance lies in providing a comprehensive assessment of signal quality, contributing to interference mitigation, optimizing network resources, and enhancing the overall quality of service for users. RSRQ plays a pivotal role in maintaining a reliable and high-performance LTE network, ultimately leading to an improved user experience.

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