LTE KPI Measurement Methodology and Acceptance Procedure

Here I write in simple word on LTE KPI Measurement Methodology and its Acceptance Procedure. As it’s for only at network start up stage and now a day worldwide so many operator starts to launch LTE and so this is the way for them to check of KPI in LTE

LTE KPI Measurement Methodology

The KPIs are formulated to measure the network performance in terms of Accessibility, Integrity, Mobility, Retainability, and Subscriber perceived quality.

LTE KPIs are mainly classified into 5 classes, which are, Accessibility, Retainability, Mobility, Latency, and Integrity. The KPI architecture is shown in the following figure.


The above KPI classification fully considers the customer experience and focuses on the Quality of Experience, providing a wide range of network KPIs to reflect network factors that are relative to the service quality, using industry standards as reference to define network counters and KPIs.

LTE KPI Acceptance Procedure

LTE network KPI acceptance procedure for the two phases, preliminary acceptance and final acceptance, are recommended as shown above.

During the phase of preliminary acceptance before commercial launch, KPIs will be derived from the drive test analysis and stationary measurements, and this analysis and measurement are on the basis of cluster which constitutes a group of sites (20-40 sites).

Statistics KPIs are not proposed and measured at this stage as the traffic is insufficient, statistics will not eligible statistical result without enough samples.

After on-going optimization while the traffic keeps increasing after commercial launch, the final acceptance of the whole network performance on the basis of statistics will be implemented. However, the KPI values of statistics probably might not be same with those in drive test due to different calculations and considerations.

LTE Service KPIs and LTE Network KPIs

The Field Test KPIs into two categories: LTE Service KPIs and LTE Network KPIs.

Service KPIs are the KPIs that are not subject to be effected by cluster tuning and optimization activities, mainly determined by product performance, configuration and parameter setting, e.g. ping delay, throughput, etc. only one cluster (named pilot cluster) is selected for the evaluation and acceptance for the Service KPIs, no necessary for repeating the measurement in all clusters Based on the above reasons, the Service KPIs’ test is suggested to be performed by Stationary Test (ST) in the area with good RF conditions and close to the cell in order to eliminate the affect of poor RF or non-equipment factor and the test is proposed to be implemented under the condition of one serving cell.

LTE Network KPIs, such as Call setup success rate, Call Drop Rate, Handover Success Rate, which is determined by the radio network environment, planning and optimization capabilities, should be performed on the Drive Test (DT) routes in rollout clusters.

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