How fast is non standalone 5G?

Non-standalone 5G (NSA 5G) refers to an initial deployment mode of 5G technology that relies on existing 4G infrastructure to some extent. In NSA 5G, the control plane is handled by 4G, while the user plane is supported by both 4G and 5G. This approach allows for a faster rollout of 5G services as it leverages the existing 4G network.

The speed of NSA 5G can vary depending on several factors, including the specific network configuration, spectrum bands used, and the level of congestion on the network. In optimal conditions, NSA 5G can deliver significantly higher data transfer rates compared to 4G.

Typically, NSA 5G aims to provide faster download and upload speeds, lower latency, and improved network capacity. The use of higher-frequency bands in the millimeter wave range contributes to the higher data rates achievable with 5G technology. However, it’s important to note that real-world speeds may vary based on factors such as distance from the cell tower, network load, and interference.

In summary, non-standalone 5G enhances data transfer speeds and overall network performance by integrating 5G capabilities with existing 4G infrastructure. The specific speed experienced by users will depend on various factors and conditions within the network environment.

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