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What is VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) and How tilting antenna

What is VSWR (Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) and How tilting antenna VSWR means voltage standing wave ratio which everyone knows but why it comes to calculate in Telecom? When BTS transmit any signal (LTE, CDMA, GSM, WCDMA anyone) then in radio wave transmit through cable and reach to antenna so what? Now I give you … Read more


The uppermost evolution track shown in Figure is that developed in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP), which is currently the dominant standards development group for mobile radio systems and is described in more detail below. Within the 3GPP evolution track, three multiple access technologies are evident: the ‘Second Generation’ GSM/GPRS/EDGE family1 was based on … Read more

Capacity and MPR and CINR Distributions for LTE

Throughput or bandwidth that LTE was taken for the physical layer for the MCS under the pick or sustainable conditions. Throughput, individual users might be depends both on the MCS allocated (a function of characteristics and conditions of the user channel) and the requirements of other users sharing the channel resources (as arbitration Scheduler). Similarly, … Read more